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Firoza Parvin Badhon

5 drinks not good for your body at all

Its hot and humid everywhere on this summer time. Many of us prepare different kinds of drinks to keep our body enough hydrate. Specially soft drinks and different fruit juices are very popular these days. But do you know, these drinks are not good for health? Your body is losing it's natural working ability only for your habit of taking different kinds of drinks. Know about those drinks here. 

5 drinks not good for your body at all
5 drinks not good for your body at all
1) Juice:
There are different kinds of juices all around the market. Some are bottled drinks and some are on packets. Almost all of them are so called fruit juice. But do you know on the name of fruit juice you are actually taking different types of colored chemical. This artificial color with liquid chemical damaging your body.

2) Soft drinks:
Whenever it's humid out there you need soft drinks to suffice your thirst. But these soft drinks are contained of different chemicals, gas, sugar and calorie. So when you are taking your next soft drink be alert.

3) Lemonade:
Many of us order lemonade whenever we are on restaurant as a cold drink. But these lemonades may have preservatives and artificial color and these are really bad for your health.

4) Energy drinks:
To get immediate energy you may have chosen to take some energy drinks. But do you know, these energy drinks are full of caffeine and sugar, that may give you an immediate energy, but it creates pressure on your brain. So be alert next time you chose an energy drink as your drink.

5) Whipped Coffee:

These days there are whipped coffee drinks of different flavor. But do you know on this kind of drink there are high level of calorie and saturated fat, harmful for your heart. It also has 170 grams of sugar and it's also not good for your health.

Do you understand what kind of poison you are taking for your thirst.

Firoza Parvin Badhon

About Firoza Parvin Badhon -

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