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Firoza Parvin Badhon

5 dates can save you from 10 physical problems

Dates are highly nutritious fruit and are very much effective to solve our daily problems. For different kinds of physical problems you need to take different amount of dates. But if you take only 05 pieces of dates a day then you can get rid off from 10 different physical problems. 

5 dates can save you from 10 physical problems
1) Heart problems:
To protect yourself from heart problems you need eat dates on regular basis. Research shows that, if you put them into water for one night and then eat them at the morning then it can be very effective for a stable heart.

2) Weakness:
Are feeling weak or lack of energy? Then eat some dates as soon as you can. There are no alternatives to dates to supply immediate energy to our body.

3) Intestine:
Research shows that eating dates everyday can keep our intestine well. Dates develop pathological organism to our intestine principally to remove all of the problems of intestine.

4) Constipation:
Those who have problems of constipation can find dates very useful. Taking dates everyday can help them to get rid off this problem.

5) Cancer:

Research shows that dates have power to protect ourselves from abdominal cancer.

6) Digestion:
Dates have elements that can help our digestion system. It is contained of different kinds of fibers and Amino acid that help the process of digestion.

7) High blood pressure:
Dates are contained of a lot of Potassium and very tiny amount of Sodium. These elements reduces the bad cholesterol of our body and enhances the amount of good cholesterol. The habit of taking dates everyday can reduce the problem of high blood pressure.

8) Eye sighting:
Dates are very good for eyes. Taking dates everyday can help the problems of lesser vision at night.

9) Lack of iron:
Dates are full of Iron. Taking dates everyday will ensure your body have sufficient Iron and will help you from anemia. So you need to grow habit for dates.

10) Sugar:
If you take dates everyday then within 4 weeks the quality of lipid will develop rapidly without increasing the level of sugar on our body.

Firoza Parvin Badhon

About Firoza Parvin Badhon -

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