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Firoza Parvin Badhon

10 tips to stay healthy winter

They reach low temperatures, rain and in various corners of the country, snow. During the winter, people are more likely to suffer respiratory diseases, weight gain and even suffer depression and stress tables. Therefore, it is advisable to adopt some tips for coping better cold season already settled between us.
10 tips to stay healthy winter
10 tips to stay healthy winter
1. Maintain and enhance hygiene

In winter, the viruses that cause colds and flu circulate more frequently and the infection rate increased by the fact of being in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. To do this, hand washing remains one of the best ways to avoid infection. In addition, you should cover your mouth or arm covered when coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of germs. Also, avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose as this mode is present as the virus spread in their hands.

2. Avoid sudden changes in temperature

Temperature extremes are harmful at this time of year. Therefore, take into account that the temperature of the house should be around 22 ° C and is also advisable to periodically ventilate environments.

3. Be aware of home protection

Winter is the season where most fires occur in the home. In this sense, it is advisable to heighten attention to this aspect and teach children what to do in cases of domestic accidents.

There is also the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning by combustion inside the home, so it is advisable not to install heaters in bathrooms, review the trips abroad of water heaters and stoves and that such work is done by a licensed gas and not braziers used for calefaccionarse addition to always ensure ventilation of the environments.

4. Do not neglect the sunscreen

Sunlight can burn your skin during this time of year, especially for those who practice winter or outdoors or in places with high reflection of sunlight (such as water and snow) sports. Therefore, it is necessary to apply sunscreen with high levels of UV (ultraviolet) protection in the areas of skin that are not covered by clothing.

5. Strengthen skin care

During this time of year, skin against the effects of cold and sudden temperature changes. To address these variables is advisable to be pending moisturize, protect and nourish the skin to prevent flaking, cracks and rawness.

6. Take care of food

In winter the body needs more calories to face the cold, raising the likelihood of gaining weight during the season. To avoid this situation, it is advisable to keep feeding schedules, changing the temperature of warm food meals to diet and add a variety of nuts.

7. Increase the intake of vitamins

To combat the ill effects of winter is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins A, C with the appropriate foods (citrus, leafy vegetables, dairy products, etc). Vitamin A prevents skin dryness and cracks on the lips. Meanwhile, vitamin C helps increase the defenses and prevent colds.

8. Take care of the mood

The cold months represent for many times of stress and sadness. In fact, some people are diagnosed with the so-called Seasonal Effective Disorder. Therefore, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and mindset. On the other hand, it is helpful to rest and sleep in a pleasant environment with proper temperature.

9. To persist with the sport, even in cold weather

Physical exercise will help warm up and fight the cold. Therefore, it is ideally suited for programming time of year and well ventilated areas covered physical activities; it is also advisable to perform a routine extensive preheating and thoroughly.

10. Adjust clothing

The most practical tip is to dress in layers (technical "onion") to keep warm and dry. If the weather is very cold, it is advisable to wear warm clothing. It is also important fact to consider that babies and children should wear one layer of clothing more than an adult would in the same conditions. However, we must be vigilant to abuse too close or tight clothing prevents proper transpiration.

Firoza Parvin Badhon

About Firoza Parvin Badhon -

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