Weight lose Advice:
Choosing foods that are less calorie dense - that is, the size of the largest item is available in fewer calories - helps you lose weight and control your hunger.
--- by Mayo Clinic staff
--- by Mayo Clinic staff
Feel full fewer calories? It sounds like a gimmick to lose weight, but it's not. The concept of energy density really help you lose weight. In fact, a well-designed weight loss diets such as the Mayo Clinic Diet, using the concept of energy density, to help you lose weight and keep it off long term.
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Lose weight with more food, fewer calories
In short, the energy density is the number of calories (energy) in a certain amount of food. High energy density means that there are a lot of low calorie food. Low energy means that many fewer calories in food.
If you are struggling to lose weight, the goal is to eat foods low in energy consumption. That is, the greater amount of food they eat less calories. This will help you feel full and less calories. Here's a small example of raisins and grapes. Raisins high energy density - about 434 calories per 1 cup of raisins. The low energy density of grapes - 1 cup of grapes contains about 82 calories.
The key to the energy density and weight loss
Three main factors play a role in ensuring that the food is high or low energy density:
Water: Fruits and vegetables in the water content, the volume and weight, but generally not high in calories. Therefore, these low energy dense. Grapefruit, for example, about 90 percent water. Half a grapefruit contains only 37 calories. About 88 percent raw, fresh carrot water. In a medium carrot contains only 25 calories.
Fiber: A high-fiber foods not only the quantity but takes longer to digest, so you feel full for a long time less calories. Vegetables, fruits and whole grain products contain all the fiber. Popcorn good example of a high-volume, low-calorie whole grain. A cup of popcorn air contains about 30 calories.
Fat: Fat high energy density. A piece of butter, for example, contains about the same amount of calories than two cups of raw broccoli. Of course, foods containing fat, such as meat and dairy products and fatty foods is higher than the leaner counterparts with lower fat content or calories.
The energy density and food pyramid
Changing habits is never easy, and provides no exception to the concept of energy density eating plan. The first step is to know what foods better choices when it comes to energy density. Here's a look at the energy density of the categories, the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid.
Most vegetables low in calories, but high volume or weight. Many vegetables contain water, the weight does not provide calories. Such as lettuce, asparagus, green beans, broccoli and zucchini. More vegetables in your diet, the better the pasta with roasted vegetables instead of meat or cheese sauce. Reduce some of the meat on your plate and increase the serving of vegetables. Add vegetables to your sandwich. Snack of raw vegetables.
Almost every kind of fruit is suitable for a healthy diet. But some fruits fewer calories than other options. Without fresh, frozen and canned fruit syrup all good choices. In contrast, fruit juices and dried fruits are concentrated sources of natural sugar, so the high energy density - more calories - and do not fill up so much. To fit more fruit in your diet, add blueberries to breakfast cereal. Try mango or peach slices whole wheat toast with peanut butter and honey something. Or throw in a few slices of mandarin and peach salad.
Many carbohydrates or grains or cereals such as cereals, rice, bread and pasta. Whole grains are the best choice because it is higher in fiber and other important nutrients. Emphasize whole grains simply choose whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, brown rice and whole grains instead of refined grains. As many carbs are higher energy density, keeping in mind the portion size.
And milk protein
These include food, both plant and animal sources. Healthier options less energy, foods that are high in protein but low in fat and calories, such as legumes (beans, peas, lentils, which is also a good source of fiber), low-fat, fish and poultry are not, dairy products and meat protein and white skin.
While the greases of energy-rich foods, some fats are healthier than others. Small amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet of healthy. Nuts, seeds and oils, such as olive oil, linseed oil and safflower, contains healthy fats.
That fats, sweets are usually high energy density. Good opportunities include confections that are low in fat and contain healthy ingredients such as fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Examples of fresh fruit on top of low-fat yogurt, whole-wheat flour in a cake or a scoop of ice cream for the fat. The key is that the small portion size and fresh healthy ingredients. Even a small piece of dark chocolate fits in your weight loss plan.
The job-creating energy density for themselves
Stay with the concept of energy density, not hungry or deprived. By having a lot of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, you will feel less total calories. You can sometimes even have a place in your diet is a delicious sweet. Eat larger portions of food with low energy density, hunger pains you press the button, you will consume fewer calories and feel better about the food, how satisfied are you generally feel helps.