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Firoza Parvin Badhon

5 symptoms of your protein deficiency

Our body needs all kind of food elements. You want to reduce your weight as soon as you can, but you don't need to remove all fat and carbohydrates from your body. You can't straight deny a food element from your food chart easily. If any food is missing from your chart then you could suffer in some diseases of deficiencies. Your body would lose power to protect itself from any harm. Protein is helpful for our muscle building and development of brain system. If you don't take regularly and sufficiently then it could be very dangerous for your health at one stage. So don't give it a damn at all! How would you know your body has a lacking of protein? Just look at some symptoms.

[caption id="attachment_302" align="alignnone" width="300"]Here are those symptoms for you Here are those symptoms for you[/caption]

1) Urge for eating extra sweets:
One of the main works of protein is to control the sugar level of your body. When your body is lacking protein it send signals to the brain to take more sugars. Then you may be looking for looking for wherever sweets are.

2) Your mind would be fuzzy:
If you take right amount of protein everyday then it may help you to fix a target and you would be able to take decision without any kind of hesitation. But if your body lacks protein then the sugar level would also decrease and you would be hesitated all the time. Protein is also called the food of your brain. Whenever you are lacking that your brain won't work properly.

3) Your hair would fall constantly:
Protein strengthen the follicles of your hair. When your hair is falling constantly you would know that your follicles are getting weaker because of the lack of protein.

4) Feeling weak:
For our inner muscle building protein has a great contribution. It builds everything we need to be as a human being. When you would suffer from deficiency of protein then your muscles could get weaker and you would feel tired without any labor.

5) Getting sick again and again:
Protein has a big contribution to protect our body from various diseases. When our body has a lacking of protein then it can not help us from diseases. So we get used to smaller diseases. We need to be alert about this now.

Firoza Parvin Badhon

About Firoza Parvin Badhon -

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