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Firoza Parvin Badhon

4 dangerous side effects of chewing gum

When you are bored or you are working on your own, you may be chewing a gum continuously. For many of us it is a very good ingredient for time pass. But do you know chewing gum has some dangerous side effects that could affect your health badly. So, let's know about this.

[caption id="attachment_215" align="alignnone" width="373"]sexy-bubble-gum Side effects of chewing gum[/caption]

1) Helps you to eat junk foods:
Chewing gum reduces your interest to take foods. So it could tempt you to take junk foods. Many research shows that whoever chew a gum regularly has a tendency to take jink foods on regular basis.

2) You fall into a disorder:
For chewing more than usual amount of gums, muscles of your mouth could lose control. You may feel a sharp pain. It also may cause headache, ear or teeth pain.

3) May face gastrointestinal problems:
When you are chewing a gum a lot of air could get into your belly and you may face a lot of digestion problems. There could be pain on your lower belly. Also when you chew it give signals to brain that you are going to eat something and our stomach creates some acid for our digestion and it cause a lot of problems.

4) Erosion of teeth:
Chewing gums are highly sugar contained and this is not good for your teeth at all. But you may not also think a sugar less chewing gum is healthy. Because chewing gums without sugar have many flavored acidic elements not at all good for our teeth.

Firoza Parvin Badhon

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