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Firoza Parvin Badhon

One Capsicum a day can save you from 8 health problems

We are more or less known to capsicum. it has wonderful quality to enhance the test of a recipe. But do you have any idea about the nutrition part of this magic vegetable. One capsicum in a day can prevent your family from 08 different health problems. Many don't know about this. Let's have some ideas. 

One Capsicum a day can save you from 8 health problems
One Capsicum a day can save you from 8 health problems

1) Fights cancer:
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory elements of capsicum help you from any kind of cancer. Capsicum has Sulfur compound that help you from gastric cancer and other related cancers.

2) Help eyes:
Capsicum is full of Vitamin A, C and Vita-Carotene that help our eye sights from different problems and develops the vision.

3) Reduce weight:
Activating therm-genesis of capsicum helps the digestion power and reduce your weight.

4) Reduce cardiovascular problems:
Capsicum has elements that help prevent different types of cardiovascular problems. It also helps you from different negative aspects of high blood pressure.

5) Enhance your body's protection from diseases:
Vitamin C and K are two vital elements of capsicum. Extracting this food may enhance your disease protection abilities on a higher margin, and you could be out of any kind of small diseases.

6) Reduces any problem regarding iron insufficiency:
Capsicum has a lot of Vitamin C. Vitamin C sucks up every bit of Iron from our body. So the body doesn't hold any kind of insufficiency of Iron.

7) Reduces high blood pressure:
Nutrient objects of Capsicum help control any kind of high blood pressure after a regular eating habit grows up.

8) Ends problems regarding digestion:
It was seen on different tests that drinking Capsicum juice regularly helps you from different diseases like diarrhea, dyspepsia, having gastric etc.

Firoza Parvin Badhon

About Firoza Parvin Badhon -

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November 16, 2015 at 6:10 AM delete

It is expensive here.
