Type    Host                                Answer               TTL     Prio
A          easylearningtips.com              300      N/A
A          *.easylearningtips.com              300      N/A

    The first A record in this above example pointing the “bare” version of your domain (like   "easylearningtips.com"). It means when your visitor types the domain name without  www, it will resolve to the right hosting server and Website.

    The second A record is the wildcard version. This redirects any subdomains to your domain to the server; this includes www, and anything else people may type before your domain name.

    If you have any specific subdomains that you need to set records for, you would also do that with A records the same way. So, if in the example above, you wanted to make a subdomain called blog.easylearningtips.com, then you would create an A record that looks like this:

    Type    Host                                Answer               TTL     Prio
    A          blog.easylearningtips.com              300      N/A

    In this way your also can point your any subdomains to a different hosting server also.

    • CNAME Records: "Canonical Name Record" is the full form of CNAME. A CNAME record points one of your subdomains to a different domain name. A CNAME cannot be set up on your bare domain! You could set up a CNAME record on www.easylearningtips.com but not on simply easylearningtips.com. One thing that CNAME records are commonly used for is to direct a part of your site to a site you have set up elsewhere, such as an eCommerce shop or something similar.

    • MX Records: MX stands for Mail Exchange. These records are used to direct emails sent to your domain name to the correct server to then send it to your specific email address.
    • TXT Records: TXT just stands for Text. These records do not change anything on your domain, but they can be searched for your domain. These records are commonly used by services such as Google, which will ask you to add a string of characters to a TXT record, so that they can search for the record and verify that you are the domain’s owner/have access to the domain’s DNS records.